So I am wondering how a four year old can be so stinking smart. My child can present a valid argument and unfortunately--for me--be correct. It is quite a scary thing when one realizes the child is witty and a lot smarter than even his mother gives him credit for. Here's the story: Today we went out grocery shopping as a family. This is something we usually do not do as the kids don't really enjoy it and would rather go to Grandmother's house. Nevertheless, we all went today. We were on our way to the rainbow store (Seth's name for the Grocery Outlet) when Seth became very whiny about his bible songs. He told me he did not want to listen to them any more. We had a few words about it and I got frustrated and turned the radio off completely. This annoyed Seth and he started whining to Daddy. I proceeded to tell Seth that Daddy and I are a team--the parents team--and whatever I said was what Daddy was going to say. We back each other up. He thinks for a minute and then says: "Well, nuh-huh mom, cuz the other weekend you said it was a no tv day and then you were sleeping the next morning I asked Dad to watch tv and he let me. So you aren't a team. He's on my team against you." I told him that maybe Daddy hadn't heard me and Seth said "He was sitting right next to you, so you are wrong and I am right." It was all I could do not to bust out laughing. I was breathing like I was in labor because that was the only way to control the laughter dying to burst out of me and all the while Eric is poking me. Not helping dude! Once my composure was gained I informed Seth that he indeed was right about that incident (which was last weekend by the way) but it would not happen like that again. I also asked him why he was watching tv when he knew what I had said and he said that was the other weekend let's talk about something else. Such a character!
July, August and September
11 years ago
1 comment:
I love his thoughts. He makes me laugh so much. I tell everyone how he called Uncle Dave and told him he should get a kid. Ha! Im still laughing. He is too cute. Cant wait to see you all soon.
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