Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Luke


Me and the birthday boy.

Daddy and the birthday boy!

A family photo with the birthday boy

Opening presents

What is this?

Ooohhh, presents!

Cake in a cute hand

Hmmm . . . I like cake in my hair!

My birthday cake

Messy face

I'm not sure about that candle


The setup for the party

The cake

Today is Luke's first birthday. It is hard to believe that a year has gone by since that beautiful baby boy blessed our lives. It seems as though he has been with us forever. As I look back at this year of firsts I am amazed. He took his first steps one day before he was eleven months old and he has been walking everywhere for about two weeks now. He got his first teeth at 4 1/2 months. And he crawled at 7 months. I love him so much and he has enriched my life tremendously. A whole year with such a wonderful baby boy. I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. I admit, I was in denial that I was in labor, but still. What a day that was. He and his cousin Cora were born on the same day one hour apart. I really thought he was going to be born first, but he wasn't. My cousin had a scheduled cesarean for 1:00 pm and Cora was born at 1:06 pm and Luke was born at 2:06 pm and weighed 9lbs 11 oz. He was my moose. Happy Birthday baby boy.

1 comment:

2china4S said...

Happy Birthday Luke! Sorry we could not make it, but thanks for inviting SS.

On that first picture Seth looks like his Aunt Cara.