This is Luke's mad face
Up to no good
A picture Seth took of me and Luke
So innocent
Luke checking out Seth when he had fallen asleep on the couch
Yesterday we were driving home from Target and Seth said to me "Mo-om, I need to have a date with you!" I love that he wants to spend time with just me. I feel so special. He is such a sweet boy. So today we are going to Applebee's for lunch at his request. He said we need to share chicken nuggets and french fries.He has been saying some other funny things lately too. The other night while he was in the tub I told him he was my favorite guy. He responded with "Do you know who my favorite girl is?" I asked who and he said "you, mom!" Then he asked "Do you know who my most favorite girl is? It's Gramma in heaven; she is so nice." The next thing he said cracked me up, "Do you know who my best girl is?" and before I could say anything he shouted "AUNT" which is what he calls Cara. Of course I had to call Aunt right away and tell her that she is his best girl. Where do they come up with these things?Luke is babbling a lot now too. He is in a dada phase right now. Eric thinks it is great. I can't believe how big he is getting.